Information for Authors

All submissions should be sent in Slovak, English or German language with a maximum length of 20 000 – 30 000 characters. Articles and essays should be divided into subchapters according to the content and the goal of the research. To facilitate an anonymous peer review, authors are asked to avoid identifying themselves in this document.Texts must include a short abstract for publishing in RILM. Footnotes should be written in MS Word, or LibreOffice format. Musical examples may be submitted in either Finale or Sibelius or scanned as pictures in the formats listed below. Musical examples, pictures and other attachments should be sent in separate files. Audio examples can be attached and bibliography must be included.

Material should be sent electronically or by mail (you can send a CD or DVD) to the following address. We will inform you about acceptance of your article via e-mail.


Text files format: doc, docx, odt
Pictures: jpg, gif, png
Musical examples: jpg, gif, png, pdf
Audio examples: mp3, wav