In 1958 the first manifestation of American rock-n-roll penetrated through film documentaries in Slovakian movie theatres. Documentary of the hall
Rock pop jazz
Jazz ako sociologický fenomén v Poľsku
Jazz has more than 90 years old tradition in Poland. Currently it counts among other genres with mass success which
Medzi kultúrnou alternatívou a protestom. O sociálnej funkcii jazzu po roku 1945 v strednej Európe (NDR, Poľsko, Maďarsko, ČSSR)
Je nám ľúto, táto položka je k dispozícii iba Angličtina (Britská). Abstrakty sú dostupné v angličtine.
Klasicko-romantické a libidinózne tendencie v hitovej produkcii populárnej hudby
The article is focusing on aesthetics and music poetry of hit production in contemporary pop music. It is examining its
Jazzrock, funky a popjazz v slovenskej hudbe
The work deals with the development of jazz-rock style in Slovakia from the post-modern period to present times. It reflects
Jazzrocková generácia na Slovensku
At the beginning of the 1980s the mainstream orientation of Slovak jazz predominated. In the second half of the 80s
Ladislav Gerhardt, slovenský jazzový klavirista
In this study we are discussing an important figure in Slovak jazz history – the pianist Ladislav Gerhardt. From the historical
Jazzoví emigranti
Jazz life in Czechoslovakia was marked by denying artistic freedom in choices of genres and styles where communist ideology determined
Individualisti, tradicionalisti, revolucionári alebo oportunisti?
During the Cold War, a myth of freedom in jazz was fed by American political power, as well as by
Segmentácia trhu v cirkevnej hudbe ako dôsledok separácie sakrálneho a profánneho prostredia
The process of separation of sacral and profane music in the Czech Republic and Slovakia was different from other countries
Manažérske pozadie šanzónovej hudby na Slovensku
Management of chanson represents an entirely different type of organization of music culture than is usual in other genres, since
Šláger, evergreen, hit
Smash hit, evergreen, hit are terms that were used for popular songs in practice, while music theory employed the term
Medzinárodný Flamenco festival v Bratislave
The article deals with the history and organization of the International Flamenco Festival in Bratislava. Problems encountered by organizers of
World music – produkt hudobného priemyslu, či svojbytný hudobný smer?
World music, since its wider penetration into the music industry (1980‘s), has been developing in several directions. World renowned universities